Funded and led a team of engineers that extended the Rapide pattern software language to enable behavior models to perform formal verification on system inputs in real time autonomously.
Decision-Zone’s platform builds agile real-time formal verification applications in < 3 months. The only other way is to build hardware control logic, but it would require >10 years of non-agile development lifecycle.
Dr. John Kenney
Chief Evangelist Officer
Received his PhD from Stanford University 1996
A key author in the DARPA-funded team that developed the Rapide pattern software language for the formal verification of system inputs in a distributed system with numerous components working concurrently and independent of each other.
Rocco Magnotta
Acting Chief Operating Officer
Vice President Strategic Partnerships QNext
Has been in various sales, marketing and management roles with both startups and large vendors for over 35 years.
Dr. Sarah Eaton
Chief Marketing Officer Alignment Strategist
Received her PhD in Philosophy in 1998 from Yale University
Held academic positions at John Jay College (CUNY), Eastern Michigan University, and Marygrove College teaching ethics and applied ethics, among other subjects
Research focus on the work of D.G. Leahy’s “Thinking Now Occurring” as related to AI/ AGI.
Julie Won
Sales and Marketing
Experienced as a business consultant in the pharmaceutical industry and business development manager in bio start-ups.
Yohann Pyo
Business Development
Experienced as a senior researcher and system designer for Smart Cities, Seoul South Korea